Romanian Citizenship

Our team is dedicated to assist you in your quest to obtain Romanian citizenship. We understand the complexities involved in the process, and our experts are here to simplify it for you. We will guide you through the necessary paperwork, explain the legal requirements, and provide support through every step of the application process. Rest assured, we are committed to making your journey to Romanian citizenship as smooth as possible.

We believe that obtaining Romanian citizenship opens up many opportunities for individuals, including the right to live and work in Romania, as well as travel freely within neighboring countries and the European Union. Our team is well-versed in the various benefits and privileges that come with being a citizen of Romania, and we are here to help you achieve your goals.

Romanian Citizenship

Key takeaways

  • Understand Romanian citizenship law and eligibility criteria.
  • Explore pathways to Romanian citizenship, including descent, naturalization and marriage.
  • Consider the benefits of hiring our professionals for assistance with the application process.

Understanding Romanian citizenship law

Romanian Citizenship

The Romanian citizenship law states that the current citizenship law, adopted in 1991, is founded upon the principle of jus sanguinis (“right of blood”), which applies to individuals born within Romanian territory and those with Romanian ancestry. This law offers multiple pathways to obtain citizenship, including descent, naturalization, and marriage, with specific eligibility criteria for each. Moreover, Romania allows dual citizenship, enabling individuals to maintain their original citizenship while obtaining Romanian citizenship.

What does it take to meet the eligibility criteria and navigate the complex legal system to become a Romanian citizen? We’ll break down the details for better understanding.

Eligibility criteria

Romanian Citizenship

The eligibility criteria for Romanian citizenship vary depending on the pathway pursued. For citizenship by descent, applicants must have Romanian ancestry or a Romanian citizen parent, including adopted children and grandchildren of former Romanian nationals. Those seeking citizenship through naturalization do not have to fulfill criteria such as legal residency in Romania, but they have to have a clean criminal record, and a basic understanding of the Romanian language for the moment when they submit the oath.

Furthermore, eligibility for citizenship by a marriage certificate requires being legally married to a Romanian citizen, legal residency in Romania for at least five years, a clean criminal record, and a basic knowledge of the Romanian language.

If you are married with a Romanian citizen but you have no legal residency in Romania, and you have lived outside of Romania, you can still be eligible for Romanian citizenship if your Marriage Certificate has a history of at least 10 years.

Dual citizenship

Dual citizenship refers to a situation where an individual holds citizenship from two different countries, including foreign citizenship. Romania permits dual citizenship, allowing those who lost their Romanian citizenship to regain it without forfeiting their original citizenship. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who wish to retain their rights and privileges in their current country while also benefiting from Romanian and EU citizenship.

Romanian citizens with dual citizenship are afforded the same rights as other Romanian citizens, without the obligation to establish residency in the Romanian territory. However, individuals with dual citizenship are not eligible to work in government bodies or have access to state secrets. When weighing the decision of dual citizenship, these factors should be taken into account.

Romanian Citizenship

Romanian citizenship by descent

Romanian citizenship by descent is available to individuals with a Romanian ancestor or a Romanian citizen parent, including adopted children and grandchildren of former Romanian nationals. To acquire Romanian citizenship through this pathway, applicants must provide evidence of their ancestor’s former Romanian citizenship, and children aged 18 and above cannot be included in the application.

This can be an attractive option for those who can trace their roots back to Romania and wish to reconnect with their heritage. The procedure for acquiring citizenship by descent requires submitting various documents, such as civil status documents, birth certificates, marriage certificates, and proof of Romanian ancestry.

Romanian Citizenship

Citizenship by naturalization

For those without a direct tie to Romanian ancestry, citizenship by naturalization is another option. This pathway requires a period of residency in Romania, knowledge of the Romanian language and culture, and a clean criminal record. The required residency period for naturalization is eight years. Adequate proficiency in the Romanian language and basic knowledge of Romanian culture and civilization are also necessary for this pathway.

To assess an applicant’s knowledge of Romanian culture, an interview process is employed, during which applicants are expected to demonstrate an understanding of:

  • Romanian language.
  • History.
  • Geography.
  • Culture.
  • Civilization.

This interview serves as a test to gauge the applicant’s integration into Romanian society. Citizenship by naturalization can be an excellent choice for those who wish to build a life in Romania and fully immerse themselves in the culture and language.

Romanian Citizenship

Citizenship by marriage

Foreign nationals married to Romanian citizens can apply for citizenship after a specified period of marriage and residency in Romania. The minimum period of marriage and residency in Romania for obtaining citizenship through marriage is five years. Unlike the naturalization pathway, spouses of Romanian citizens are not required to demonstrate proficiency in the Romanian language in order to acquire citizenship. This pathway can be particularly beneficial for those in international relationships where one partner is a Romanian citizen.

If you are not living in Romania, but you are married with a Romanian citizen, you cannot obtain the Romanian citizenship even if you were married for more than 10 years. This law that permitted the foreigners married to a Romanian to obtain the citizenship after 10 years, unfortunately was declared unconstitutional and it is no longer in force. Therefore you cannot obtain the citizenship if you are married to a Romanian citizen, but not living in Romanian for a minimum 5 years.

Also, living in Romanian for 5 years has to be proved by a long-term residence permit, and not a short-term residence permit. That means, before the citizenship application, you have to make sure that your residence permit is changed into a long-term one, and that you meet all the conditions to obtain it. One of the conditions to obtain it, is to pass an interview that will take place with the immigration officers in Romanian, for this interview you need to know the Romanian language on a basic level.

The application process for Romanian citizenship

Romanian Citizenship

The application process for Romanian citizenship involves gathering the required documents, submitting applications, and potentially taking language and culture tests, depending on the pathway chosen. At our firm, we provide comprehensive support to individuals looking to obtain the long-term residence permit and Romanian citizenship.

Whether you are of Romanian descent, married to a Romanian citizen and have lived in Romania for several years, we can assist you with the entire process. Our goal is to make what can be a complex process as simple and straightforward as possible.

Required documents

Applicants for Romanian citizenship must provide various Romanian documents, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, and proof of Romanian ancestry. These documents often require legalized translations, which can be a complex and time consuming process.

However, with our help, we can make obtaining Romanian citizenship a much simpler and more efficient process.

Application timeline – become a Romanian citizen

The application timeline for Romanian citizenship can vary, with some processes taking up to 18 months or longer to complete. Factors that can affect the application timeline include:

  • Residency.
  • Marriage to a Romanian citizen.
  • Documentation and verification.
  • Processing time.

Benefits of holding Romanian citizenship

Romanian Citizenship

Romanian citizenship offers numerous benefits, including EU rights and privileges, as well as economic opportunities within Romania and the European Union for both current and those who have lost Romanian citizenship, such as former Romanian citizens.

EU rights and privileges

Holding Romanian citizenship grants access to various EU benefits, such as visa-free travel, work and education opportunities, and recognition of education certificates throughout the EU. As an EU member state, Romanian citizens are entitled to live and work in any EU country without a work permit. Additionally, they have access to social security benefits, healthcare, and education in other EU countries.

Romanian Citizenship

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a US citizen have dual citizenship with Romania?

Yes, a US citizen can have dual citizenship with Romania by proving their Romanian ancestry and following the Romanian nationality law. Romania does not require foreign citizens or a foreign citizen to renounce other citizenships when claiming dual citizenship.

Can you get Romanian citizenship through descent?

Yes, individuals can be granted citizenship in Romania by descent if one or both parents are Romanian citizens or if at least one or both of the parents or grandparents were Romanian citizens who lost their citizenship.

Romanian Citizenship

Contact us today!

At our law firm, we specialize in providing comprehensive assistance to individuals seeking Romanian citizenship. Our knowledgeable and experienced team is fully equipped to navigate the intricacies of the application process, ensuring a hassle free experience for our clients. We are committed to offering personalized services, tailored to meet each client’s unique needs, and provide the guidance needed to successfully gain Romanian citizenship.

Obtaining Romanian citizenship can open doors to new opportunities, including the ability to live, work and study in Romania without any restrictions. With a Romanian passport, you will also have access to all European countries, allowing for easy travel and potential business ventures. Let us guide you through the process with confidence and ease. Start your journey towards obtaining Romanian citizenship now! Contact us today for more information on how we can help make this a reality for you.